Fibonacci Linear Algebra Matrix Formulation Plus

 Just the key matrices will be presented here.

Above: Formula is set out with conditions stated


 Following that, using the rules of linear algebra, we get the basic matrix equation as shown above.

Finally, we get the Fibonacci equation in the most compact matrix form as shown above..
The following are extras depending on whether one needs elucidation or not:

 Further elucidation is shown above
The graphic above shows an application of the Fibonacci sequence algorithm intended for Python computer programming language. 
* means matrix multiplication

Diagonalization and Fibonacci Sequence: Watch -

Fibonacci Numbers and Spirals -

Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio: Divine Geometry?:

Research and Reflection: Fractals, the Fibonacci Spiral, and Nature -


How to draw the Fibonacci Spiral - Illustration involving the first few inputs..






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